The #1 Star Trek comedy podcast is performing three special one-night events in 2024! In this limited series of live shows, Ben and Adam are boldly revisiting some of their favorite episodes of TNG to experience how they - and we - have aged after almost 10 years of podcasting. It’s the mini-tour where we go back to where it all started, to celebrate the very best of Star Trek and The Greatest Generation!

Tickets On Sale Now!

London Podcast Festival - September 14

Sub Rosa (TNG S7E14)
Madison, WI - October 3

Conspiracy (TNG S1E24)
Los Angeles, CA - November 2

Priority One Messages Now On Sale at PodShop.Biz!

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An Uxbridge-Shimoda Hang.

The Greatest Generation is in no way affiliated with Paramount, CBS, Gene Roddenberry, or anyone who has a lawyer.